Personally I think the brand pages is one of APSense best features. Its purpose is of course branding a business, an opportunity or yourself.

I have visited a lot of brand pages. Unfortunately there are a lot that look the graphic of this article. Completely empty or only set up partially.

Such brand pages will not do you any good. In my opinion it can even harm your business: what will people think of a business when they see a brand page that has no or limited content? Well it sure does not tempt me to visit the main site and I am sure that applies for most people that happen to see a brand page that does not brand. In that case it is better to have no brand page in my opinion.

So how do you set up a brand page that has a positive influence on your main business?

Most important of all is to ad content about your brand.
    • Write a description on page about
    • Ad your social media profiles
    • Ad an RSS feed related to your brand i.e. from your WordPress blog of tour company site. If you don't have one you can choose a related one from APSense.
If you are not sure on how to do that you can consult the APSense Support group where you can find several instructional videos.

Another important thing is to make them visually attractive by adding a logo and changing the header in one that shows what your brand is about. Realize that most online marketers have a busy schedule and tend to scan internet pages rather than reading the text.

The header and logo is the first thing people see. A well designed header and logo can tell more than a 1000 words and can persuade the visitor to look more closely to your brand page and possibly visit the main site that the brand page is promoting.

If you are not very good with graphics I can help you. I create headers and logos for very reasonable prices. More info on Webmiep Graphics

Note: graphics are resized to fit this article. Click to view live samples.

brand page bbp

Additionally the live feed of your brand page looks a lot more attractive when it contains some pictures. When your RSS feed contains articles/posts with pictures they will show up in the live feed as well in most cases. If not, Pinterest pins connected to your brand pages will also show up in your live feed.


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