Proeject Payday does a great job at teaching people how to make money through the freebie trading industry. You get all of the basics through their program and through their resources. Now if you don't know anything about the freebie trading industry, Project Payday teaches you through three methods.

Method 1

Teaches you how to make money by completing offers for other people in freebie trading forums. You join a forum like 1st degree freebies and then start completing offers for other members. You can make between $250 to $600.

Method 2

Before you can move on to method 2, you need to complete five trades or complete five offers for other members in the forum. Once you complete five trades, then you will be able to make money from other members completing offers for you. This is where the real money starts to come in. You can make between $1000 to $2000 per month just from this method alone.

Method 3

With this method, you will be trained to take the prizes you obtain from completing the offers from the freebie sites. Project Payday is teaching you how to sell your prizes on eBay. When you get a prize, you are basically selling it on eBay for full profit since you didn't have to pay anything at all for the prize at all.

These are the basic methods you will learn from Project Payday. They will make sure you make money an gain the most out of the resources you will obtain from Project Payday.

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