Video marketing. Scary words, right?

You’ve tried different things to build your online business. Or, you’re pretty new and you are trying to figure out the most effective ways to take your message out.

What do you think when you see the words “video marketing” together?

Is it:

  • “I can’t do it.”
  • “My videos wouldn’t be any good.”
  • “It takes too much effort.”
  • “Me on camera? I would be the laughingstock of the online marketing world.”
  • “Too many things to learn.”
  • “The equipment costs too much.”

Let’s take these points one by one.

“I can’t do it

Well, if you are reading this article, I guess you are interested in tackling video marketing. One thing for sure, if you talk about doing video marketing and someone tells you “I can’t do it”, don’t try to convince the person that it’s not true. Chances are, you would only be wasting your time. If the person is ready, you will be asked to give more details about the way you do it.

“My videos wouldn’t be any good.”

When you see the videos on many sites, you might think that you can’t do the same. You know what? It doesn’t matter if you’re right because:

  • You can learn how to do it.
  • There are different ways to use video for your marketing efforts.

“It takes too much effort.”

That’s not something you might be willing to admit openly. Maybe you have tons of excuses to avoid saying that you might be lazy regarding the creation of videos. That’s ok. There are other options if you don’t want to do them yourself. I’ll get back to that in another post.

“Me on camera? I would be the laughingstock of the online marketing world.”

There are two types of videos: live and screencast. With the latter, all you need is a microphone, preferably a headset, since the tiny mic accompanying your webcam might not give good results.

“Too many things to learn.”

Let me answer that one with the well known “How do you eat an elephant?” “One bite at a time.” Discovering how to create videos is the easy part.

“The equipment costs too much.”

When I got interested in doing videos, two years ago, a highly successful video marketing guy said a flip camera was all that’s needed for good quality videos. I don’t have a smartphone, but I know the pocket camera industry was destroyed by the iPhone and other such devices, so it’s probably as good a place to start as any.

Video marketing is here to stay

I just stated something that is obvious for any marketer who’s been around for some time.

Here’s a video I did showing how to put a video in a post on a Blogger blog, the free Google blogging environment. Just to demonstrate that you can start doing video marketing easily.

You can check more of my videos here or on my YouTube channel phmoisan.



For more about video marketing, stay tuned!

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