Today September 19, 2012 unemployment rate is very high, 98% of businesses fail, people lose their houses because of loans and mortgages, etc. The question is: "What would you do to escape from financial troubles of today?"

Let me tell you what I did. After being in danger to loose everything I have created in my life - a great family, house, business, equities, all - and after severe inner fighting with myself, I found the way!

So, what I did?

1. As a Christian believer, started to pray again, and trust God powerfully;
2. Then took action! Changed the most of my company managing and marketing strategies!
3. With huge financial efforts (most funds coming from family, partners and friends), opened 2 more companies in different locations: Bulgaria and the Gambia;
4. Used the powerful cheap and free marketing online; bought around 50 domain names; worked hard alone to learn and create websites;
5. Brought my sites on the first page of Google for many keywords;
6. Clients started coming again, not only from my country Romania, but from Europe and Africa!
7. As a result, we are building 3 houses in Romania now and one in Germany;
8. Now opening a new ecological building corporate company in Germany too;
9. Started to get rid of debts and step-by-step we are coming back to normal.

Maybe the situation described above doesn't fit exactly your life and business story but you might be inspired and follow few principles from there.

Wish you the best!
Coach Teo

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