Relating to an earlier article I wrote about filtering your email in gmail (hey..instant alliteration!), I will now discuss a reason why I do not like my email inbox arbitrarily sorted or filtered by the rather unforgiving gmail spam filter.

The primary reason for browsing as many incoming mails from other marketers is to see what is happening online.

By viewing mails, or more typically the subject lines, you are able to see at a glance different marketing styles, offers and systems.

You can begin to associate certain types of programs and marketing approaches to particular individuals advertising online.

Identify the subject lines which interest you. Identify those which do not.

Think about your reasons for your interest or otherwise.

Tweak and adapt advertising approaches to suit your personality and style.

All that email clutter can, and in my opinion should, become one of your most frequently used training resources.

As an aside, browsing your old mails is a wonderful way to remind yourself of the bluster and hype which prevails online. I personally guarantee that a substantial percentage of those older mails will refer to programs and systems which quite probably do not exist or are otherwise inactive.

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed it :)

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