Formula 1 specifically formulated with high quality soy protein isolate, is a nutritional food product for dietary use. Packed with vitamins and minerals along with natural herbs is a ideal balance of protein & nutrition without overloading unnecessary fat and calories

Key Benefits

·         9 gms protein in each serving

·         19 essential vitamins & minerals

·         Each serving provides 90 Kcals of energy

·         Made of high quality soy protein

·         In 3 delicious flavors


Soy protein is an excellent quality protein from vegetarian sources, it has a protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid score (PDCAAS") of 1. PDCAAS is the world standard for evaluating the quality of protein from different food sources.


Simply beat, stir or shake Approximately 25 grams (Approximately 3 tablespoons") Formula 1 with 240ml of water, skimmed milk or juice as per your choice.

Fast Facts

·         9 grams of healthy soy protein in each serving.

·         Includes the antioxidant vitamins C and E.

·         Create your own shake recipes by adding fresh fruit.

·         Diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol that include 25 grams of soy protein may reduce the risk of heart disease.

Product Label


Apollo Hospital Herbalife Results

Clinical Trials Of Herbalife Products By Apollo Hospitals

 Place Your Order Here


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directly from Herbalife war house nearest your location  

We Offer Herbalife Shapeworks products and business opportunity in India and 65 countries worldwide
 The Opportunity offering MASSIVE POTENTIAL in INDIA
10 New Distributors Are Wanted Urgently
 For the THREE MAIN STEPS to Start Your Indian Business go to the link: 1, 2 & 3
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The Herbalife Shapeworks Opportunity is open to all and can be worked part time or full time. You can work at home using your computer and overseas contacts can assist you when building an international business but are not essential. You can work at home with your own aims and training is available. Fitness and nutrition is a vibrant growth sector of the World's Economy. 

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