There are many writers out there who have become quite proficient at making money in the internet by writing articles on internet marketing, among other subjects. With the growing number of internet marketers these writers have quite the audience for their work.

Writing articles on internet marketing may not be the only niche they write articles for, however. Being knowledgeable in many subjects can give these writers a broader variety of things to write about. If they have marketed themselves correctly the money they make can be quite significant.

Anyone can do this, all you need is a computer and the ability to string a sentence together. You can write original articles and submit them to article directories and get paid. You have to apply to these sites and may or may not get turned down. If you should happen to get turned down then just keep plugging away until you find someone to "hire" you.

Some writers search for batches of inexpensive private label rights articles and rewrite them before submitting them. These PLR articles may not be the best quality but anything can be improved upon by the rewriting. These PLR articles are used due to the fact that even though the quality is mediocre, they still have helped draw in traffic.

The best thing to do is to find a directory that not only pays you for your original article but one that also offers ongoing residuals for every time your article gets read. The residual may not be earth-shattering but if you have a bunch of articles that regularly get read then your commission may be worth the trouble.

Some positive aspects to writing articles and selling them on the internet is that you get to supplement your monthly income. In this rough economy who can't use a few extra bucks? Another upside is that you can build up your cache of original content and increase your reputation for writing and possibly attract some higher paying customers. Lastly, just think of the knowledge you are gaining by having to research some of the topics you write about. You are, or will soon be, a fountain of useless information.

Seller beware! There are unscrupulous people out there who will hire you to write for them and never pay you. It would be best if you asked for payment up front, that way you will not get scammed. You should be the one setting the price for your writing.

If you are writing articles on internet marketing that is quality content for someone and they do not want to pay your price, as long as it is reasonable to begin with, then cut your losses and find someone else to work with.

You also may want to think about copyrighting your best articles so someone does not come along and plagiarize you. You will want to have some type of legal recourse if this happens. Keep what is yours, yours. Never let anyone step in and steal your thunder.

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