How will you monetize your campaign using a splash page and APSense?

Using your own simple splash page with enough space and APSense to handle the payments you can monetize your campaign by letting other advertisers and publishers to promote their banners in your campaign.

Here's how it works.

1. Create a splash page with your own ad, make sure your splash page can hold at least two more banners including your own ad.
(I use Easyhits4u's splash builder you can register HERE if you want)

2. Register in find the talent tab and create your talent. Wait for your talent to be approved.

Your talents description should be like offering other advertisers and publishers to promote their banners with your existing active campaign.

3. Create a text like "advertise here" or "buy this space" in any available space in your splash page.
(I prefer to use the top and bottom of my campaign as a space for other advertisers) 

4. Start advertising your campaign. When someone sees your offer and got interested on the space, they'll click on the text link and will be redirected to your APSense talent page. If they are not a member of APSense yet they'll need to register first for them to order your talent.

(See attached picture for an example)

Set your price depends on how attractive and how much traffic your campaign is getting and also how long their banner will be in your campaign. It is also advisable to upload proofs of your sites stats to entice more advertisers.

Visit this LINK for APSense Talents' TOS.

(Click HERE to see a live example. This talent is still awaiting for approval) 

This won't make you lot's of money but will help you get extra funds that you can use for more advertising or pay your membership in other programs especially for those who just started in this business.

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