Do you want to profit from the popularity of the Amazon Kindle?  This electronic book reader is a hit!  For you, this means a

good potential to make money, but how?  There are a number of ways to profit from the Amazon Kindle, such as working as a

paid affiliate.  If you are an author, even just a web author, you can profit from the popularity of the Kindle by using your

talent.  You can write an e-book and sell it as a Kindle Book.

So, how do you get started?


1 – Decide on a Category


To write a how-to e-book, choose a category.  It is easier to write on interesting topics.  Take a passion of yours and

profit from it.  Do you like to build dollhouses?  Write a how-to guide on doing so.  With how-to guides, your options are

virtually unlimited.  Popular books include those that show readers how to save money, combat global warming, make money, and

do home improvement projects.


2 – Create an Outline


To increase productivity and reduce writer’s block, write an outline.  Do this by hand or on the computer.  Write what you

want to include in your e-book.  If you want to show readers how to replace a kitchen countertop, your sections can include

needed tools, tips for buying equipment, preparation, the replacement process, and cleaning tips.


3 – Open a Microsoft Word Document


All e-books should be composed in Microsoft Word.  This program makes it easy to catch spelling and grammar errors, as well

as monitor word count.


4 – Write the Introduction


Your e-book introduction should be at least two paragraphs.  Start with a catchy phrase.  For an e-book instructing readers

on how to replace their kitchen countertop, your introduction can say “Are you tired of looking at an old, dreary kitchen

counter?  Don’t wait any longer.” 

State the point of your e-book, which may be showing readers how to replace their kitchen countertop.  Mention how your e-

book can help them accomplish their goal.  Then, thank them for joining you on the journey.


5 – Write the Chapters


How-to books are shorter than novels.  You shouldn’t focus on word count or page length.  Instead, just write until all

points are made.  With that said, each chapter should be at least three pages long.  Take each of your sections from your

outline and describe them in great detail.


6 – Write the Conclusion


For the conclusion of your e-book, restate your main points.  Unlike the introduction, the conclusion can be as short as one

paragraph or even once sentence.


7 – Proofread and Edit


As previously stated, Microsoft Word has many helpful tools for writers.  These tools are not 100% accurate.  For that

reason, do not rely on them alone.  Proofread and edit your e-book.


8 – Proofread and Edit Again


The importance of a well-written and edited e-book cannot be stressed enough.  When selling on, all products are

subject to reviews.  Make sure yours are positive by eliminating grammar errors.  So, proofread and edit your book multiple

times before proceeding.


The above mentioned steps allow you to compose an e-book in Microsoft Word.  To make your e-book compatible with the Amazon

Kindle, you must visit Amazon’s digital text platform.  This begins the selling process and converts your Microsoft Word

document into digital text.  After following the step-by-step guide, your e-book will be uploaded to the Amazon Kindle Store

in around 24 hours.


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