One of the best qualities about the LG Nitro is the fact that it has a nice 4 inch HD screen display with a 1080p HD video and 8-megapixel camera. It has a 4G support and it also comes with a nice video chat feature.

If I had anything bad to say about the phone, it would be the fact that it has a small camera shutter lag on the NItro HD and the battery drains a bit faster than normal. I would think because of all the activity in the phone itself.

Overall the gorgeous display on the phone along with the high-def everything else, the 4G speed is really nice, the NItro HD has more than enough to compete with the rest of the market. It's just those small setbacks that keep the phone from over powering the competition. I think if the phone was more fine tuned, it would be a true.......More

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