As we all know that 2011 goes and 2012 is here so it is better to estimate your blog and its performance. Well, it is most important for you to understand that you can do to improve your blog in 2012. So, it is important for you to reconsider things to make your blog better and also want to present problogger readers a list of actionable tips which they could act on right now in order to develop your blog better for New Year!! So, the below given points are much essential that help you out and you also make sure to bookmark it for later.

Make Sure to Start your Email List:

As everyone knows that mailing list is imperative feature of your blog and its success so its time to take serious action. So, if you don’t have then makes sure to create now and if you already have a list then let’s thinks of a few ways to optimize it.

  • You have to ensure that you sign-up forms that are in the best locations (at the end of posts, sidebar and feature box).
  • It is also most important for you to make “toolbox” of freebies which only subscriber’s access in order to think of it like the free ebook strategy, only kicked up a notch.
  • You can also create newsletter that have only content for subscribers and make sure to make your newsletter more meaningful for them.

Don’t forget to make list of every blogger that have quality content in your niche

Many of you all think that why to do this but if you are at the midway stage of blogging then you already know the importance of guest blogging as it can bring lots of traffic and subscribers on your blog. One of the main things you have to realize is that guest blogging is most powerful and it is one part of being good at networking in your chosen niche.

You also want some important people who are truly rooting for you to succeed as a blogger. There are lots of bloggers who are afraid to do this so it is better for them to create a list by which you can easily get your way as it takes far less time. Make sure to use sites like AllTop and Technorati and make complete list of the best ones.

Re-consider your blog’s uniqueness offers to readers

Is there anything that makes your blog different? Is yes then what are readers of your blog are getting there that they simply cannot get on the hundreds to thousands of other blogs in the same niche? Now, it is most important that you take look at your blog and estimate that you add to the web as nobody out there is doing exactly the same.

There are wide ranges of blogs for people who love blogging but how what about people who love tumblr? Various personal fitness blogs which use video to make use sense but what about a finance blog which utilizes a lot of video? Well, what about craft blog which uses a lot of video?

Make sure to keep your blog fresh with new content

Various numbers of bloggers get so besieged with lots of traffic methods and writing techniques which they fail to realize which they could be putting their efforts to medium they might be better. You might be feel that writing posts is completely best but I am suggesting you for few other mediums try.

They can bring extra traffic from being hosted on the parent site and can give your blog appeal. Video, ebooks, slideshows on slideshare, workbooks, info graphics and more are the most popular types of content that you can try.

Get more knowledge of SEO and SEO copywriting

It is most important to understand the fundamentals of Word Press SEO are important to succeeding as a blogger. You also have to read more about SEO copywriting if you don’t know about it already. Now, the process of effective SEO copywriting is far less confusing than you think. You will already be more skilled than most bloggers in your article if you just learn the basics of good interlinking habits.

You also add social proof where it means

Sometimes, bloggers get too caught up in social networking proof as it can be as simple as quote from one of your readers on what great blog you are running. Such kind of social proofs are frequently powerful like Facebook following.

The below given ways are powerful statements for your blog:

  • You can ask your readers to give quote to use on your blog as social proof if they don’t mind. Most of people happily give as they feel glad.
  • Make sure to use comment and take comment from reader on your website which states something positive and use it as social proof.
  • Make sure to quote someone else mentioned your blog or writing before? Whether it is from twitter or other website, people will have no problem with you quoting them for social proof.
This article already posted by Blurbpoint Blog

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