Interesting apsense gave me a mission 
to sign up somebody to the apsense community 
for 200 credits i have 23 hours to do so.

So i created a blog at 
and i wanted to keep it as plain as posiable 
and right to the point!!

i will join 2 of your free affiliates "programs"
or traffic exchanges if you join only one of mine.. 

i listed 2 options blogclick because it is a tight race 
and i might win 3000 credits currently tied in second place..

the next option is for people to join the apsense community
i really havent focused on this before 
but the 200 credits is real inticing.

Im on several manual surf traffic exchanges 
that i  built up some credits on.
i made the 2 for 1  blog about 2 hours ago 
and so far the site has been seen 65 times 
so i'm going to keep pushing on with it 
i think somebody should be interested 
in getting 2 refferals for doing one...

I also just launched a new site that ties in 
the top 6 surf exchanges the first step
brings in the prospect email i used listwire
a completely free autoresponder.

List Wire - Get Your Free Autoresponder

Listwire is good because i didn't want to pay 
20 dollars a month for Aweber.

This will allow me to build my personal list 
something i haven't added yet to the equation 
i realize now the money is really in your list.
No matter what you sell if you have a responsive list
You can use it for many years in the future.

The second part of the site is genius because once they sign up
it has them sign up for the top 6 traffic exchanges under you
so it will grow your downline quickly in these free traffic exchanges.

Here the top 6 traffic exchanges 
feel free to promote your website
For maximum effectiveness you can join all of these traffic exchanges
open all 6 in your browser at the same time 
so by the time one is finished another one will be ready 
this allowed me to get a 1 day old plain blog 400 hits in 24 hours..

Also the videos are really catchy and grab your attention.
You can have a look my new friend carol helped me put it
together because i was confused how to set up the autoresponder
if your thinking about doing it i can talk to her to help you.

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