You are about to view a plan that, in our opinion is the most unique and powerful compensation plan ever presented in networking. This plan was designed with EVERYONE in mind. It will present extraordinary opportunities for leaders and non-leaders alike. Even if you don't consider yourself a leader yet, we'll help you easily achieve that status. Don’t take our word for it. Once you have read through this compensation plan, we believe you will understand why we can make such a strong statement.

Quantum Leap Network’s newest program is QLXchange, which is at its heart an exchange service. Our task is building relationships with other companies. Those companies offer us financial incentives for helping them market products. We in turn extend these incentives in our own unique fashion to our members in the form of commissions and/or discounts. There are products offer by our business sand available for subscription. It is NOT required that you subscribe to either program to earn an income or receive discounts on products. However, for those who want to build a business, they will surely elect to subscribe to these products and share the products and business with others.

In the beginning you will enter a 3 x 9 structure, but you will NOT be limited by the normal constraints of a matrix. This plan has a dynamic structure, which is expandable in every direction. As time passes and growth occurs, it will certainly not be recognized as the simple 3 x 9 it was in the beginning. It will provide EVERY member the means to obtain financial success.

Please study the compensation plan from the link at the bottom of the page. Once you are ready to begin, you will be able to navigate through an amazing portal we call a Star Gate to shift into a brave new world called success.

So you’re ready to see WIIFM? (What’s In It For Me?)  First of all, even though this compensation plan is very unique and different from anything with which you are familiar, it is our intention to explain it as clearly and simply as we can.  As you go through this plan, the main thing to keep in mind is that you need not spend money out of your pocket to earn money with QLXchange.

To attempt to show the entire plan on one page would be an impossibility, so we’ll try to give you the concept here and links so you can delve into the details of any part that interests you.

At the onset, we want you to know that once you understand the depths of this plan that it truly is a plan with which you will have the ability to become absolutely independently wealthy regardless of your level of experience or background.

This compensation plan has taken over three years to design and build the software that would run it flawlessly. During the design phase, our main focus was to maintain a balance of features, which would attract both leaders and non-leaders alike. We also wanted to ensure that with some effort the self-acclaimed non-leader could easily discover that they too are capable of becoming a successful leader regardless of their previous failures. To our knowledge no network marketing company has ever before targeted nearly 100% of the company's earnings back to its members, until now. Please download our compensation plan to see why this plan is so unique.

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