Nothing can change when you live in denial. When you pretend that everything is okay when it isn't, or when you refuse to look at what the problem is.

I understand, it's scary stuff, if you look at it then you have to do something about it! And so people decide not to look at whatever is wrong in their life. They decide to complain about not having the perfect relationship rather than doing something to create it. They whine about health, weight, debt and all the time not willing to do a thing.

Awareness followed by acknowledgement = acceptance

When you become aware of the problem and choose to acknowledge it then it can lead to acceptance.

Once you accept that something needs to change the next question is how do I do it?

And the "how" of change is one of the biggest reasons people don't try, because they just don't know how or what to do next, or even who to talk to.

Which is why when I bought the license for the Lee Milteer course Successful Life Strategies to Capitalize on Change I decided to set up a membership site so I can continue to support people who bought the product from me.

As a Personal Growth Coach I have the skills, knowledge and expertise to be able to help anyone with a change they want to make. So not only do you get access to the Lee Milteer course whenever you want and need it, but you also get to interact with other members through tele-seminars and get extra support from me as your host.

So if you are ready to accept that change must happen in your life then visit and sign up as a member today.

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