Scam Artists and Seniors: How to Protect Yourself and Those You Love From Investment Fraud

  1. The "Get Paid To ..." (GPT): This is another method of making money online, but frankly said, these programs, most of them are fraudulent and will only waste your time. Some of this GPT program, which offers up to $ 100 for you to read every email sent. Ask yourself... "Where do they get the money to pay USD 100 to you for each email?". From the advertisers? In the business world, no foolish traders are willing to pay $ 100 to each person who reads email on their ads. The real aim of the organizers of programs "get paid to .." is really only to get your email address and then sell it to the parties that are not liable. As a result, your email inbox will receive many emails SPAM (unsolicited email) with advertisements such as Viagra, ectasy pills, drugs, pornographic websites, cheap software, and someone claiming to be the administrator of the Nigerian government. So, do not waste your time with programs like this. No man becomes rich by joining these programs.
  2. Randomizer Program: To make money from this program, you need to "donate" and once registered as a member, and then, you have to find friends (victims) donating into the program. Where will your money goes? First, the organizers of the program, the second .. to individuals who invites you to participate in the program .. and third ... to any member who will be chosen randomly by the system. Follow your fate ... if the name selected, it can be money .. if not .. looking for another "victim" and so on.
  3. Forced Matrix Program: This is a pyramid scheme carried out on the Internet openly. Many are deceived by the words "forced matrix". In fact, it is a pyramid scheme. In a forced matrix program , the victim is required to pay money as a member and then find 20-10 people to make their referrals. This will be set in five people at a level below them, having completed level one with five victims, the victims of the six will be placed on the second level is, at this second level, they need to find a total of 25 victims. And so on, the more levels, the more victims needed. What members forced matrix program does not realize is, this program will actually be saturated at the level to 13, that is if the whole world to participate. But, usually, it will be saturated at the level of the 6 & 7. The amazing thing is, the less intelligent participating will say "Never mind! We need to work hard to promote the program, By God Will ... all our efforts will be successful! "?

Scam Artists and SeniorsHow to Protect Yourself and Those You Love From Investment Fraud

Here is an illustration of the arrangement used a pyramid scheme by the "forced matrix 5"


When the program is saturated at the level to 6 (because there is no longer the "less good" can be fooled), then 55.944 people will suffer a loss (level 3-6) and only 42 people who would benefit (level 1-2).

 Scam Artists and Seniors: How to Protect Yourself and Those You Love From Investment Fraud

So, stay away from programs like this, because you will not know the level where you are when you join the program.

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