When I first started in Social Media I was all over the place just like any newbie

and my time management was terrible and I wondered why I was wasting so much time

until I sat down and ordered a book from Amazon named, Social Media An Hour A Day

by Dave Evans. It showed me what I was doing wrong and how to properly manage my

time online because if you don't know what you're doing you can suck a whole day

away and get nothing done.

Below are a few tips and suggestions I use on a daily basis to manage my time, all

I can do is make suggestions on what works for me, take what you need and go to

work. Remember, what works for one person may not work for you but there has to be

a better way to manage your time online than trying to do everything one task at a

time, especially in these times of simple automation.

1. I joined Onlywire so I can automate all my bookmarking in one place, they have a

free service that works just as good as the paid service. The only hook is that you

may have to fill out a couple of Captcha pages which is no big deal especially if

you're automating all your Social Media in one place.

2. I have a Wordpress blog because the Google Spiders love it and will index your

blog posts quickly.

3. I use Google + as well, you can use their tools to automate a few things too,

they also have a new business branding tool and its all free.

4. I don't advertize in the morning or afternoon, this has to be timed. You'll get

more eyes on your ads during or after dinner, what doesn't show up that night is

sure to show up in the morning.

5. Don't forget Craigslist and Ebay's free classifieds plus Facebooks Marketplace.

6. Stay up on all Facebook's new changes and play around with them, Facebook is

changing monthly and you don't want to be on the bottom of the learning curve when

their new stuff launches.

These are just a few of my tactics, I'm sure there are a thousand more but this is enough to get you started on the right track.


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