What people see in their inbox varies among all the different email applications. An email viewed in Gmail for example, will appear different when viewed in Yahoo! mail, or even Microsoft Outlook. What a good marketer needs to do is make an impact even before the reader opens their email, Therefore it is important to keep your subject line within the 40-character limit, maybe even 30 characters, But, refrain from negative statements like: "Your account may be suspended", or, "This is your last chance." Your reader will not be in the correct open frame of mind to accept your message and instead quite aggravated at you. "Here is the info you requested" is a good choice, as well as a "how to' line, or anything FREE. Do not attempt to fool your readers. Even though openeing your e-mail is half the battle, the other half is having a good offer. Your reader will remeber you and open further e-mails no matter what you put in the subject line. I hope you find this article useful.

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