I have often in my adult life been told that I am a perfectionist. That dear readers is a bald face lie. I am a work-a-holic, I have to be doing, creating, accomplishing, teaching or else a nasty double edged sword comes out and cuts off the hand that keeps it going.

Melodramatic huh? Oh but so true. I have fought my whole life to hide the truth of who I am and what I am. I come from a dirt farmer who had fate take his life away from him too soon. As a result of losing my father at a very early age, having cousins living on welfare and having babies like summer crops, family members getting too old too soon. I knew that I had to escape.

To escape that lifestyle, I became a consumate learner. I had to be learning the reasons for everything. If I could not find out what made something tick, I would be lost. I learned how to find answers, how to learn by trial and error. I got very good at knowing the right questions to ask. I have never told anyone that I had all the answers. I have however told people that if I don't know the answers, I will find the people who can help me get the answers.

In that regard, APSense has been a wonderful tool to find. I have found people who are generous and will help me to become the Business Professional that I want to be. In this regard, I am the most fortunate student. I have met Paula Van Dun, she is a joy to talk to and she has very good information in her articles to help anyone. There is Sean North, a very generous gentleman who is always willing to help as long as the request is an earnest one. Philippe Moisan is another professional whom it is my pleasure to be friends with here on APSense. Mohann dear friend, I am not sure what exactly happened but I do need you to know that you are missed greatly.

It is thanks to the people that I have mentioned that I have the confidence to be as outspoken as I am on APSense. They did not know that they were helping a drowning woman when they befriended me but they indeed saved my life. My business life and more.

I recently told someone that being a work-a-holic was a double edged sword for me. I work day and night to accomplish the goals that I set for myself. I have to be working, I have to have proof that I am making life better. I do this to hold the fear at bay that I might not be able to work, that I might not have what it takes. I have always done my job to the best of my ability, because I look at every job as a test. I give myself the passing grade or not. I like those passing grades.

So when you meet me in APSense or on Empire Avenue, or Facebook or Twitter, or LinkedIn. Know that I am exactly what you see. A hard working person with a will to learn and be the best business woman I can be.

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