If you've been following my blogs you'll know that I don't mince words and I give it to you raw, no chaser, no ice. That's my style of writing and that's the way I want it if I was looking for some real information, not some candy coated beating around the bush. Its been MY experience that most people go through 3 distinct phases when we first get online, below are the 3 phases I went through with some humor injected to cut the boredom:


Phase 1: The complete newbie phase.


1. You just learned how to turn your computer on but you're determined to get rich.


2. I don't want to hear it, people are making money online and so will I.


3. I don't need your help, I can figure this thing out myself.


4. What's copy and paste?


5. Hey, my computer is smokin, maybe I should call tech. support and ask them if they have a fire in their office.


6. Tech support asks you to go to my computer and you ask for his address.


7. OMG I'm overdrawn, who's taking what, when and why?


Phase 2: The dawn Of awakening.


1. Oh ok, how did I fall for that?


2. You learn how to manage your time.


3. You finally settle down and listen to someone.


4. You figure out that you have to put some work in.


5. You learn how to lay your foundation and paint the picture.


6. You learn how to manage your time.


7. You get a handle on your PayPal account and your credit or debit card.


Phase3: The Maturity stage.


1. Still a newbie but more grounded.


2. Learned how to spot the weasels.


3. Learn not to click on every and anything.


4. Taking your time and not jumping into the fire so fast.


5. Reading Paul's blogs.


6. Watching people online make the same mistakes as you and saying to yourself, these newbies are crazy.


7. Getting your feet wet with a few affiliates and testing the waters.


8. Last but not least, FINDING YOUR NICHE.


That was fun, feel free to stop by my site.



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