What is Self improvement? Sounds like a very easy question but may be very challenging to answer. Let me try and answer it. In brief, self improvement is the improvement of one's character, mind and health. The famous saying that "Nobody is perfect'" is so so true. From the physical, the emotional and the psychological aspects of our lives, nobody is perfect. This is evident to all of us because each one of us sees imperfections in both ourselves and others as well. That having been said, I think we can agree that everybody could do with some degree of self improvement. Every person on this our very beautiful planet earth is unique and has quite a number of areas of his/her life that could or need to be improved so as to live a happier, successful and more fulfilled life.

Quite often we all get wrapped up in our fears and insecurities, so much so that we find ourselves wishing that we could be someone else. When we feel like this we start to believe that most people are better than us. This, most of the time, is not the case. In fact, it may shock and amuse you to find out that "those people" who you think are better than you are thinking and feeling worse things about themselves than you are about yourself.

It's quite strange: We look at other people... we envy them... and wish we could be them... at the very same time they look at us and think the very same things. We compare ourselves to other people and become consumed with insecurities, and those other people are doing the very same thing when looking at us - a very baffling and puzzling state of affairs. Self improvement, particularly in the area of self-esteem, is clearly required in this case.

Self improvement is not a rigid science. Many elements and factors - some of which may be pleasant while others may be downright painful, can be combined and integrated to produce a variety of self improvement solutions. Some life experiences during the course of our lives e.g loss of a loved one, loss of a job, the end of a romantic, marriage or business relationship, a natural disaster such as an earthquake or a tornado that ends up destroying all of our possessions or even a life threatening illness can be used to improve ourselves - as unlikely as that sounds.

Self improvement does not happen overnight. It is a gradual process that may take anywhere from a couple of days to several weeks before one sees any positive improvement. It requires patience, thirst of knowledge, perseverance, practice, and commitment.

Now, you may ask, what are the benefits of self improvement? In brief, personal development, inner stability, self confidence, self appreciation and self esteem. Self improvement is a way to a much better life, to being contented and learning to love and accept yourself. You do not have to shout to the world that you are perfect. When you begin to improve yourself, you will start to feel happy and you will be filled with contentment. Self improvement can be applied to many areas of our lives such as:

- Stopping obsessive compulsive disorder(s)
- Managing people
- Controlling anxiety attacks
- Boosting your self confidence
- Overcoming depression
- Achieving our goals
- Losing weight
- Sleeping better
- Improving memory
- Better public speaking
- Overcoming fear
- Eliminating bad habits
- Exploiting your brain's unlimited power
- Organizing time and space ... and many, many other areas.

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