Traffic FunellingEvaluation of my business plan was in order now that I have become the owner of a TrafficExchange. It needs maintenance and time to keep members motivated and active and to build a large membership. I need to use tools and techniques that are effective and do not need too much time to apply. So I studied a bit on sending out email newsletters and on ways to get traffic.


I have studied Andy's traffic funneling system that was part of former trafficfirestorm.

It is a system that makes a lot of sense to me so I adopted it on the new surf surf-bar-traffic.



I also think it is crucial to make my TE work; the competition is huge. I also believe in  "lead by example" so I started doing this a few days ago.


It is a giant task. I am a member of at least 50. I joined most of them about a year ago when i was "as green as grass" as they say in Holland meaning being a total newby. So I put dozens of sites and programs in. I all have to remove them and replace them for links to S-B-T and my main opportunities. I need to update personal splashes and I need to check and update all downline builders. And I need to surf since several became inactive. But with this system in place the hours I need to surf myself will diminish soon.

So I started with the ones I am upgraded in, than i will proceed with the popular ones, and than the rest. While doing this I also invite some for a JV.

I think it will take me at least 2 weeks to complete this task but I am sure it will pay off although results will not be visible immediatly. 


Unfortunately this means that i have less time writing articles and comments but in long term Kooiii, APSense and ATM will benefit from my efforts because they will be branded outside social media sites. I think that is good because not everybody is active on social media sites.


Another thing I need to do is request an api to tweet member sites. I have read the manual and it looks very complicated. Also not sure how to get it approved. But I will find out.


RecentlyI also managed to send out a html mailing to former TFS members. The first one I sent was not delivered the way I wanted. LOL one should not explore programs at 3 AM.


The second one I did in the morning after I had my morning coffee; this one looked nice and reflects the design and look of my TE. I used one of Kooiii's programs Rapid Marketer to create and to send it. The interface of RM is much easier than  TrafficWave which program I cancelled a while ago. 


In RM you can test your mail before you send it out to see if it does not violate any anti spam rules. The program gives tool tips on head lines and on what words to avoid. You can also see how the mail will look like in several email programs.


Having to deal with TrafficWave interface I postponed using RapidMarketer  for a long time because I feared it would take me ages to figure out how it works. Now that I found out how easy it is I am planning to use it a lot more.


If you are not satisfied with your current Email marketing service I suggest you try the online demo. RapidMarketer has also an affiliate program; it is listed in the downline builder of my TE. As opposed to Trafficwave and others you do not have to have a paid subscription; however I think you should have one. How can you be exited about a program and recommend a service if you do not use it yourself?


By the way I have also tried some free autoresponders with optin forms. I was not happy. My splashes got disapproved because the broke out of frames in TE's. 

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