This is a question that you need to consider.  Many of us think nothing of posting in our status on the various networks where we will be and when, are you considering who has access to see this tidbit of information?  You may be laying out the welcome mat for burglars to strike.

For years burglars have gleaned information from the Obituary section of newspapers to find likely targets.  Normally an obituary notice will list relatives of the deceased and the location of memorial/funeral services in the paper.  The thieves simply watch the paper for upcoming funerals and while family members are attending the services the thieves strike.

Think of how many people see your Facebook status.  If you haven't set your privacy levels to prevent it Everyone on FB can see that status message of yours that reads:

"At the hometown business mixer." sent from your Blackberry.  And as often as FB is hacked, changes something that automatically reverts your privacy settings to default; anyone can be seeing that,  including thieves.

Think twice about saying where you are in a network status.  Instead just maybe announce the event without saying your are there or saying you will be there and for God's sake understand that if you are sending something from your Blackberry or other mobile device, everyone who reads that status knows you are mobile. 

Yes it is convenient but it is also telling people that you are out and about somewhere.  Think security when you post on your status.

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