
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a simple format that can be used either to receive updated content or to send content from one's website or web log (commonly referred to as "blog"). Its simple to use and various free resources are available on the net. Simply put, RSS is just like newspapers receiving content from news agencies like AP, Reuters, UNI etc. If you have an RSS feed on your webpage, you continue to get latest content provided it is updated by the provider or source.

Aggregator (Feed Reader)

To use RSS feeds, you must use a feed reader or "aggregator". One free and easy to use resource is provided by: The following steps have to be followed:

Convert RSS feed into JavaScript Code

1. Select the RSS feed you wish to place on your webpage. For this simply type "RSS [subject]" in any search box like Google, Yahoo, MSN etc. In place of "[subject]" write the name of the topic. Let us say, you typed "rss news". Then the search engine will display results for this keyword phrase. Select any result and look for the "red" button with the words "RSS" or "xml". Click on any red button of your choice. A page in "xml" script will open up. Do not bother about the page - simply copy the "url" in the browser window. That is the RSS feed.
2. The RSS feed has to be "read". Go to or any feed reader of your choice and paste it at the appropriate place. Select the options about font etc. or choose default settings. The feed reader gives you the JavaScript code.
3. Copy and paste the JavaScript code at any appropriate place on your website or blog using the edit menu.
4. Verify the feed's appearance etc. by visiting your website or blog.
5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 till you are satisfied.

Steps for incorporating RSS feeds

Though on a blogger like Google you have a side-bar for RSS feeds, they pertain to certain topics only. For incorporating RSS feeds do the following:
1. On (for example), go to: Posting > Create > Edit Html.
2. Paste the JavaScript code in the main body.
3. Give a suitable title in the "Title" box.
4. Add any content, if you wish.
5. Click on "Publish Post"
6. View your blog and modify settings, if you like.
(I have given as an example - you can place the JS code in any JS supporting website.)
I have deliberately not mentioned any technical gibberish to enable easy understanding.

Benefits of RSS feeds

RSS feeds can be useful on your web pages to keep the visitor interested in the latest news or updates. It is recommended to use such feeds that belong to the same topic as your content pages so that the visitor gets updated articles, press reports etc. and may even like to bookmark your site. Take care to add "_blank" in the "Link Target" so that when the visitor clicks on any RSS feed, a new window gets opened. Before utilizing any free feed reader ensure that the feed is not for a limited period, otherwise, the feed will get terminated.
One controversial aspect of JavaScript based feed readers is that search engine spiders or crawlers will not read the RSS content on your pages. However, this has been tested by webmasters and verified to be untrue. At least Googlebot (or one of her cousins) does crawl RSS feeds on websites and blogs. 

Viral Effect of RSS Feeds

Note, there are two RSS feeds viz., your blog's own RSS feed and that of the one installed by you on your blog. Whenever the content on the blog is updated it is recommended to ping using tools like etc. at least once a week. Not only do RSS feeds update your blog or website, your new entries, comments and fresh posts enable you to update. One more advantage is when you ping or burn your blog's RSS feed it also carries the contents of the installed RSS feed virally.

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