What a wonderful and absorbing network the internet is - and how efficiently it steals our time from us!


Although I have not given up hope of having my sight recovered, I have found that all my earlier prejudices against the internet marketing crowd are now becoming confirmed attitudes rather than simple prejudices.


It staggers me that so many internet marketers spend so much time trying to sell so much regurgitated rubbish to so many other internet marketers and then kid themselves that they have a business. The biggest perpetrators of self delusion are the marketers who sell 'systems' to other internet marketers but that do not have a product. The system IS the product. It grieves me when I see marketers claim "I signed up two more affiliates this week and earned $100 commission" when they should really be crowing about solving the problems of their customers by providing a valuable service, regardless of commission.


There are thousands of marketers who promote 'systems' and they are usually so good at lying to their 'customers' (aka - their list) that they join every new, can't fail system and drag them along with them.


If they are not selling systems, they are selling products which are being sold by many other marketers but trying to make their version of it look different by giving it a new name or new graphics. (PLR is the biggest con of all.)


I have managed to reduce my email receipts to the few from two or three trusted marketers. No longer do I get hundreds of promotional emails from the likes of  Albert Aardvaark  to Zena Zoborowski addressed to Dear (my email address) and using "first name fix" instead of my name.


I am now looking for grown up conversations about REAL products and REAL national and international concerns rather than the self satisfied pap offered by childrens' social sites like Facebook where to disagree is to be branded a Philistine. (Incidentally, once I received the Facebook confirmnation that my account is to be deleted, my spam boxes saw a fall in receipts from 200 - 300 a day to 5 or 6 a day. Odd, that.)

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