There is a service here at APSense that is not used that much by members, I think. It's the APSense.Me Live Stream. For those who wonder what it is, it's the Twitter-like service where we follow other members, be followed and post messages limited to 140 characters.

I think it's a good idea to use it more. Me, for instance, I receive emails from the ClickBank newsletters, many times about very interesting online marketing news. But writing articles would be tedious every time I receive a new email. What I do instead is, I go in the Live Stream and post the article title and link. I know my followers will all see it whenever they go into the Live Stream.

Of course, it can also be used for things like saying good night with more characters than the status, which can be useful for humorous pieces you want to share.

I was wondering how to follow more people in the Live Stream. What I done up until yesterday was, when I saw a post my News Feed that came from the Live Stream, I clicked on it which got me to the person who had just posted, and I clicked "Follow". In many cases, the person will follow you back.

Now, that is not the best way to get new people to follow, since not many membes post in the Live Stream. Yet. I hope we can change that.

I have a suggestion. Go into the Live Stream, and go see my profile. My username there is the same as here, i.e. phmoisan

When you reach my profile, you'll see I have close to 100 followers, and I follow more than 200. Click on the 2 lists, then you can increase the number of people you follow. Since we receive an email from APSense every time we have a new follower in the Live Stream, you'll see your number of followers increase too. You might even see emails from new followers, you click on the link in the email which will bring you to their Live Stream profile and start following them.

Of course, the idea is to use one more free tool to build relationships. I encourage not to send only links to your opportunities, else, the Live Stream would become a spam farm.

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