If you had asked me what APSense would look like in December of 2010 last year, I could never have envisioned what APSense is today!  There have been Major changes over the past year.

The growth of the site has been nothing short of amazing with all the new members we have here.  Some aren't really new, they are old members who have been drawn back by the great improvements.  Not just the number but the quality of the members.

And then we have all the great add-on services that are available to us through the APSense Passport.  Things like Ask, APSense me. APSense Traffix.  Even eZineSpace was updated and relaunched as an add on.

Then there are the tools for promotion;  Campaigns, RevPages, Share buttons and a translator.  The new credit based system of promoting rewards members for their activity with Daily Missions and quick campaigns.

What about the new Group system?  You can now easily set up groups and link them to your RevPages, eZines and other resources.  Control your group by setting different levels of participation such as contributor, or subscriber.

There's even a move to make APSense 2.0 Community into an actual community that will draw new prospects and others to APSense.

No I could not have envisioned all this.  No wonder APSense is climbing the Alexa rankings.  

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