I see a lot of newbies overwhelming themselves with far too many affiliate programs and decided to write a post on how to better manage their programs. One of the main reasons over 90% of newbies just quit and walk away from Network Marketing is because of misconceptions about certain things online that they were led to believe by the weasels who want to make a quick buck and leave the newbie hanging and blowing in the wind. Below are a few tips for your assistance.


1.The definition of an affiliate program is simple enough, Its an arrangement where a company agrees to pay you a commission for selling their product.


2. Affiliate programs are perfect for newbies and people with a limited income because most of the risk is on the business owner, you get a site and marketing tools, the business owner even handles customer service.


3. Some affiliate programs have what they call cookies, that means that every time they make a sale or upgrade through the link they provide to you, you get a sale.


4. The 2 top affiliate sites are Clickbank and Commission Junction.


5. If you're a complete newbie I suggest you start out with only one affiliate just to get your feet wet, don't try to juggle too many at once.


6. Remember, there's no reason for you to go for your wallet just because you see something you like, first see if the company has an affiliate program, If they do, join it and see how it works for you and if you don't like it you've risked nothing.



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