Here is a recipe I adapted to suit my weight management program. I make these mainly to provide an afternoon or mid morning snack.


3 1/2 cups of porridge oats or rolled oats
4 egg whites
1 1/2 cups of low fat milk powder
3/4 cup of honey or any sweetening agent, I sometimes use apple sauce
1 cup of nuts crushed or blended in a blender
1 cup of LSA mix (Linseed, Sunflower, Almonds)
1/2 cup wheatgerm
1/2 cup psyllium husk ground 

Add Shake Down meal replacement powder to add 15 grams of protein per scoop (50 cc)
Add 4 ACT energy packets to add a natural sustained energy boost


Mix all dry ingredients in one bowl, mix wet ingredients together then combine with dry ingredients and mix throughly until the dry ingredients are moist. Next either spray a shallow backing tray with release agent or line the tray with greased paper. Once you have the mixture to the desired thickness (1 cm or 1/2 inch) cut it into bars about 2.5 cm or 1 inch thick by about 7.5 cm or 3 inches.

Place in oven pre-heated to 160 c or 320 F for about 10 minutes. If you are using a fan forced oven keep an eye on the  color as you don,t want to burn it.

This recipe makes about 40 bars 1 bar = 200 calories 12.2 g protein if you add 4 scoops of shake down and 25 g carbs.

The key to making these is to experiment and make them to your taste. If you want to change the flavor change the milk powder for a flavored milk powder, or add fruit of your choice. The combinations are endless.

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