There was a time not long ago when I didn't get Twitter and its importance in my Marketing arsenal until I took the time to sit back and take a good look at Twitter from a Home Business owner's perspective, and my findings amazed me. Here are a few of my Twitter revelations below.


1. I noticed how efficent Twitter was at spreading content, ideas and information. Forget the 140 character limit when I can spread links instantly.


2. Although News Organizations still break news, nobody can break news as fast as Twitter, Twitter has become so powerful that now ALL news agencies use Twitter themselves.


3. In my Opinion Twitter beats Google in breaking news, Google has to use algorithms but Twitter has the mass capabilities of human intelligence to find fresh, new and relevant information. Did I mention placing your link on Twitter live?


4. What better way to spread the news about your fresh content or blogs? Twitter drives traffic fast and your blog, article or press release can go viral in not minutes, but seconds. For instance, I have over 2,000 Twitter followers. Imagine that many people talking about your product or service and each one passing it on?


5.what other Marketing tool can you use that you can send out a question, statement or link and get an immediate response? I'm talking real time answers here.


6. You don't have to be known to get known on Twitter, if you say something interesting it gets re-published immediately.


7. Twitter is more than just an instant newsfeed, I believe the opposite is true and believe Twitter is the perfect medium for business owners if used correctly.


8. Twitter shifts the balance of so-called expert opinion to peer to peer authority, Its not that we ignore what they're saying. Its that WE have a voice


9. Its a new day folks and its called, OPEN MEDIA.

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