Its been my experience that when people want to check out your business from a group, forum or marketing site that they know enough to go to your profile to get the information they need about your business and if they're interested enough they'll click your business link. But the savvy prospect or customer nowadays wants more. They want to get a feel for who you are, what do you have to say? Whats your original thoughts about things? Whats your personal slant on things? Are you just some company clone or do you have an opinion? Anybody can send people to a replicated site but who are you and why should I join you, listen to you and more importantly why should I spend my hard earned money with you when I don't know you from a can of paint? I'm just learning about you here online and for all I know, you parroting the benefits of your amazing one of a kind business offering can be all a fake, you could be a scammer for all I know, you could be setting me up to steal my hard earned money only to disappear into cyberspace.


Its called relationship marketing, thats why sending people to your blog is so important in your marketing life, assuming you even have a blog. If you don't at least have a blog that takes away from your credibility as a business owner because thats where people go to get a better feel for you the person not the salesman, Its not that easy to get out of sales mode sometimes but your blog is supposed to give people a better look at who you are as a real person. Anybody can send people to their replicated or affiliate sites but in reality those sites have someone elses words on them not yours. Whats your personal feelings about your product or service? Your blog gives you the opportunity to loosen up and get real with people. It also helps with your SEO efforts, remember, when all you do is throw up your companies and affiliate link all you're doing is creating traffic for someone else. The word selfish isn't always a bad thing. You need traffic to your own blog, people need to see who you are.


I strongly suggest Wordpress as a blog site, Wordpress rules in the blog world and don't let anyone tell you different. Wordpress has the reputation of intimidating newbies because of all of its plug-ins and some say that the learning curve is too steep. That's the exact thing that sets them apart, so you'll want to take a week to jump on the learning curve and at least learn the basics for yourself. Personally I wouldn't pay anybody to set up my first Wordpress blog, I'll do it myself just to learn, will you screw it up at first? I guarnatee you will but so what, we're supposed to be crazy anyway so nobody will be surprised when you do.

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