Let me tell you right now, I am stepping out of my area of expertise.  I feel compelled to share this information for one reason and one reason only, MY MOM.  My Mom is a ** year old woman (can't tell you her age she would kill me) who is suffering from osteoporosis, with some arthritis thrown in.  She had one back surgery over the summer to repair a cracked vertebrae.  Needless to say, she has a lot of aches and pains.  She is unable to take normal prescription pain killers due to the fact they make her dizzy and nauseous.  So, she manages her pain with ibuprofen and rest. 

     Recently a friend of mine, Nick Schultz,  sent me a sample of a product called Real Time Pain Relief.  I got the product, threw it in a cabinet, and forgot about it for a couple of weeks.  A few of nights ago I was speaking with my Mom on the phone and she was having more pain than usual.  I grabbed my sample packs and headed to her house.  I purposely did not give any explanation about the packs.  I left them with her, told her to rub it in where it hurts, and left.  (The sample packs will give you one or two doses)  I hadn't been home 10 minutes and the phone rang.  It was Mom.  Her first words were: "When can you get me a bottle of this stuff?" 

     If you read my profile, you will understand family is very important to me.  If there is ANYTHING I can do to relieve some of my Mothers pain, I will do it in a heart beat.  I contacted Nick and got some product ordered last night.  Now I am here sharing my story with you.

     There are millions of people suffering from pain, just like my Mom.  If this product can help people, then I feel it is important to inform the public.  If you are in pain, then I urge you to try this product.  If you know someone who is in pain, then I urge you to get this product for them.  I make this recommendation without any knowledge of medicine or why it works.  All I know is this:  within 10 minutes of applying the product my Mom was in less pain.  That was enough for me.

To find out more about Real Time Pain Relief >>CLICK HERE<<

The Product is currently available in the USA only but will launch World Wide in 2011.

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