It is that time of year.  Time to sit down and evaluate your goals for 2011.  Last year I set a very specific goal.  I wanted to attain 100 personal referrals for my primary business.  This was my first real attempt at setting a specific goal.  I reached my personal referral goal in July.  But, I have not reached my monthly income goal.  This left me wondering what I had done wrong?

     I have learned you can't pick a random number out of the air.  This will not help you achieve success.  You need to analyze what you need to do to generate the income you want to produce.  You need to break down your monetary goal in to achievable mini goals.  This will help you maintain focus which will lead to your success.

     I have found most people want to Get Rich Quick.  If they don't attain a certain level of income quickly, they quit and jump to a different program with promises of riches.  Although this is a nice dream, it is unrealistic to believe you can achieve riches without work.

     Build your business the right way.  Set small goals which will lead to your primary monetary goal.  Build slowly so your business will remain strong.  Form a team of strong individuals who have the same goals.  We are all stronger with the help of others.

     This year when I sit down to set my goals, I will analyze what will help me produce income;  What will help me achieve my monthly monetary goal?  I am going to break down my expenditures and my current level of income.  I am going to use the knowledge I have gained to set realistic goals which will produce results.  I am hoping by breaking it down to the basics, I can grow my business and start producing the monthly income I desire.

     I recommend you set mini goals.  If you don't know how to do this, talk with a mentor in your primary business.  Have them help you set up a plan which will help you meet your monthly income goal.  If you don't know anyone, I will be glad to help.  Just contact me and we will set up an appointment to talk about your primary business and the level of income you want to achieve from it next year.  If you have set your goals, I would be very interested in hearing some of the goals my peers have set for next year.  Please leave your specific goals by commenting below. 

Good Luck and Here is To A Prosperous New Year!


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