I stumbled on this by mistake, but as I continued to implement it I have discovered some programs are sharing my personal information with others (spammers).


If you want to see if a new program you sign up to is sharing your information, try this simple method.


I recently signed up at a new website to get information about .  


I entered my perSonal inforMation like thiS.


 I keep track of where the capital letters are and who received that information.


Sure enough I was soon receiving spam from two different companies, and the capital letters allowed me to trace which data base was involved in sharing the information.


They denied knowing anything about it.


Their privacy policy said they would not share my information, so I concluded that they were lying, or did not have a secure data base.


I want to apologize to everyone who may have looked at what I was promoting. I resigned from  the company that makes slimberry as it was their data that shared my information.


However I do not seem to be able to remove myself from their email campaigns, even with multiple attempts that say I have been successfully unsubscribed.


So if you want to traCk who is abusing your pErsonal inforMaTion, put a few capital letters in your name when you sign up.  


Happy Marketing,



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