I had to share this with you my year 2010 experience. This doesn't have anything to do with business. But has everything to do with what has been going on in my life this year and I thank God for keeping me sane throughout the entire year.

It starts out around June after we just celebrated my oldest sons graduation. We had just moved into a friends home who need a tenant. I knew it was going to be a bad idea when she called my wife a week after we moved in saying that we will have to move out. It was a nightmare because we had no other place to go. End of August the Landlord shutoff the electric to evict us without any notice. We had to stay in a hotel for about 3 days then moved into my dads trailer.

Dad had just given his trailer to a friends son. While he was trying to get approved to live in trailer dad let us stay there. At the end of September   we had to move out so I ask the youth paster if he knew anyone at the church who had a home that could rent us on a month to month lease. He found us a house to move into while we wait for my mom to help us. 

My car was repoed because I couldn't pay the payment. Wasn't expecting to pay over $2000 to my dad and to move into this home we are in. Now we are looking at my wifes car getting repoed.

We have no Christmas tree and no presents for the kids this year. On top of it all, While I was on here Friday Writing articles make comments trying to get ahead I received a phone call from my wife saying that our son was in a roll over accident. He was taken to the hospital where the checked him over. God was with him because all he got out of it was a few scratches. sore neck and head, no broken bones. 

Sunday, I went to the alter and thanked God for not taking my son.

It has been a rough year for us. We are trying to keep are heads held high but not sure how long we can keep going. I pray that God has something big in store for us because I don't know how long we can keep going without falling apart. It seems like we are stuck in quicksand and not being able to get out. The more we struggle the deeper we just seem to sink. This has been really hard I am wishing and praying for a better year next year. If you pray please pray for us. I know there are people who need more than us but all I am asking is for your prayers and letting God do his thing with us.

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