A Simple Trick To Boost Your Productivity

By Dan Brock

I know I'm not the guy to be preaching about productivity, laugh out loud, but I have been working online from home for awhile now so I know a few tricks that have helped me improve my productivity significantly.

One of the best tricks (and the most simple) to improving how much I produce in a day is this:

When you wake up in the morning (or afternoon if you're like me), immediately sign on your computer and start working on one profitable activity for 30 minutes.

Don't take a shower, eat breakfast, watch tv, or anything else until you get that 30 minutes of solid work done.

I know this sounds elementary, but it really does work. It gets your brain thinking about that activity throughout the day which helps keep you focused instead of jumping around.

Now - when I say profitable, I mean something other than reading emails, posting on forums, checking affiliate stats, etc. Instead,  build a website, do some niche research, continue working on a product, add something to your auto-responder sequence, etc.

All I know is this:

When I start the day off with video games, my day is spent playing video games.

When I start the day checking emails, my day is spent checking emails.

When I start off working on a product, my day is spent working on my product.

It's a simple tweak, but it really works. And it takes a lot of practice getting used to.

I'm not perfect at it either - still to this day I screw up and accidentally spend a few days here and there playing video games, but at least I'm making progress!

Try it for yourself for a couple days, take notice of what happens, and I can guarantee you that you will like the results!

Talk soon,

Dan Brock


The Deadbeat Super Affiliate

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