Did you know that you can open many ApSense pages in FireFox ?

I guess you can do it on Chrome too. Don't mention IE, I stay away from it.

Wherever you are, you can right-click on any link in the page, choose "open link in new tab", click and Voil? ! A new tab right beside the one you were in.

That way, you don't have to stop what you were doing.

I use that technique whenever I see I have a new message or notification, as I'm always eager to see who commented on a page that is on my watchlist.

Sometimes, I can have up to 4 ApSense pages opened at the same time. For instance, while creating a blog where I will put a link to RevPage, then I see a notification, there I get the 3rd page, only to see I have a new message and I was expecting it.

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