What do I mean by a top tier company?  I would describe it in this way; there are four tiers of businesses that you can join in the Network Marketing arena.

Tier 4 - costs $0 to $25 to join

Tier 3 - costs $25 to $250 to join

Tier 2 - costs $250 to $1,000 to join

Tier 1 (top tier) - costs over $1,000 to join


A couple of sayings spring to mind.  "You get out what you put in" and "nothing ventured, nothing gained".

If your business is a 4th tier business, what incentive have people got to build it?  What are they going to be thinking when the going gets a bit tough?  Believe me it will, no business is easy to build, despite what people tell you.  They are going to think; well it costs nothing or next to nothing to join, so I really haven?t lost anything.  I will move on the next 4th tier opportunity and see if that is easier.

Now, if you are part of a top tier company, what is going to happen when the going gets tough?  They are going to think, I have invested heavily in this business and I know I can make it work if I just ride the storm and get back to building my business.

What sort of business do you really want to build?  A 4th tier one where you are constantly having to recruit new people to replace the ones that are dropping out or a top tier one where stick around to get the return on their investment and you get chance to create a proper relationship with them.

Guess which one I chose?  You are right, a top tier company.


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