Thousands of Blogs really are income earning websites while many people insist that you can't be successful online without your own static website.

It is a fact that your Blog can serve exactly the same purpose as a website without the technical skills and tedious processes involved in developing, configuring and optimizing a website.

Yes, your blog can serve the same purpose and have the same quality and attract the same (if not more!) traffic/visitors than a website.

The Search Engines Just Love Blogs!

The search engines do have an affinity for blogs, because blogging is for everyone and accessible to everyone. Having one's own website is not. In general, it is easier for people to relate to a blog than to a website. Websites can more easily be perceived as commercial with the primary purpose to sell something. Blogs, on the other hand, offer a more personal and communicative touch, reaching out, and not reaching down, to its readers.

The First Requirement Is Your Blogging Platform

Blogging Platforms are freely available and they offer all the qualities, functions and applications required to build your Blog into a masterpiece website. ( For example, you are reading here from a blogging platform that is available to anyone and at absolutely no cost whatsoever.It is only one of a powerful collection of Web 2.0 resources and tools offered by APSense to its members)

The only reason why the majority of blogs are not successful, is simply because they are not set up properly, have poor contents and poor quality blogging products were used to create, enhance and optimize them!

What Is A Blogging Product?

A Blogging Product can be described as a set of tools, information and sometimes plug-in software to offer the blogger the knowledge, skills and resources to create the best quality blogs with all the elements required to attract visitors, to optimize the blog for the search engine bots/spiders and to incorporate into the blog the elements required for monetizing (to make money from your blog)

Choosing the right and the best blogging products can be difficult, but why not kick off with free quality guidance towards profitable blogging. An independent review site of top blogging products is offering a free 7-day email course on blogging success.The e-course covers all the most important and fundamental aspects concerning correct and monetized blogging. Get the basics right first from where you may decide to use a paid blogging service and program like Blog Success or Blogging to the Bank 3.0

To your successful and profitable blogging!

Blog Marketing Articles

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