Hi fellow marketers:

As for some time now people are beginning to see Multi Level Marketing Opportunities as "Pyramid Schemes," so let me clear this out.

A pyramid scheme is a illegal business involving just the recruiting of new prospects in order to make the pyramid work for the ones on top, However a Multi Level Marketing involves real products. With this products the associates can really sell and gain sales commissions plus other bonuses. Many pyramid schemes utilize the sales of wimpy products, or products that have no real value on the market to prevent authorities to stop or shut down the business if found to be illegal. Of course a Multi Level Marketing Business need people to get in and promote the products and sales, that is the heart of Multi Level Marketing, and that is why having a MLM Business have low starting costs, because this way the company won't have to spend thousands or even millions in advertising.

Hopefully I've answered some questions about the differences between Pyramid Schemes, and MLM.

To Success!!!

Thank You

Luis Figueroa
Numis Network ICR# 10987
Real Products, Real Assets.


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