There are too many money miracle programs out there. Will we ever see the end of it? I certainly hope so. I guess I'm naive.

Nowadays, many of the splash pages we see in TEs, RevPages, and all manners of promotion are for programs that tell things like :

  • No money needed
  • We build your downline
  • Join and we give you money
  • We do the work for you
  • Start with $5 you will earn $3000 a month soon

You get the idea.

I guess these programs work. For whom ? The people who get in the first week, IMO.  Or, those who already have big followings in such programs.

I'm not interested in any of these programs. I'm looking for long term success, not illusions. Work, effort, learning, planning, all are essential for that. Socializing to get financial success is a strange way to go. Building relationships is essential, but relying only on that is not good for the long run.

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