Some more REALLY exciting news for you.. you now
have three different opt in pages you can use..

Check out this new one from a top TV celebrity

The newest will do VERY, VERY well in the USA
and Canada as it is from a true Real Estate Reality
TV celebrity...

If you have ever watched "Flip This House" on A&E
then you know of Armando Montelongo..

On TV he is made out to be one of the BIGGEST
&*%& on TV.. he is the real estate GURU people
LOVE to watch and hate.. :D

The reality is, he is one of the smartest, kindest and
down to earth persons I know..

What you don't know is how I got to San Antonio
was in part because of Armando..

I flew in 2005 to San Antonio.. to discuss how to
market Armando Online... (in less than a year we
generated over a million dollars net for him)


I was there less than 24 hours and fell in love with the city,
called my wife from the air port and said I think we need
to move GVO to San Antonio..

The rest is history :D

For those of you who do not know Armando, he
is extremely popular..

Every where I go with him, he gets asked for autographs
and photos.

So promote this page now to your list :D

Below is some ad copy you can use that I know will
convert well..


Subject lines:

Look at what this reality TV star has to say about Joel Therien and GVOconference!!
Even Reality TV stars are getting involved with GVO!!
URGENT.. look what this TV celebrity had to say WOW!!



Hi Javier,

I know there has been alot of HYPE

But you can not IGNORE this and you
NEED to see this..

Look at what this Reality TV Star and
celebrity has to say about GVOconference and their
CEO Joel Therien

In a nut shell, this CELEBRITY on A&E who
is already a Multi Millionaire is backing
GVOconference 100%

YOU HAVE to see this. it is incredible..

Here is what is REALLY cool.. if you
join GVOconference today..

You can use this persons endorsement to work for you
on YOUR own web site!!

check it out now!!

This celebrity even credits GVO and Joel with making
him an additional MIllion online!! WOW!!!!!!

See you in the members area :D


Take a look at this video of a presumed
in his Ferrari:

Well, it may not be a conceited ...

But you need to visit this website:

My good friend Joel Therien has won millions of
dollars in the Network Marketing Industry.

Has already built two companies billionaire
and is about to build the third.

He is looking for leaders before launch

The product is entering the market Joel
is a product that has been selling like
hot cakes and now come out with a new opportunity
Business ...

I tell him that the product is:

>> High demand
>> In continuous use
>> Easy to show
>> Provides instant gratification

This means residual income for life ...

Again take the time to learn more about it.
This information is free ..

Recognizes an amazing opportunity when
it knocks on your door ...

Here's your chance

Just visit this link:

See you in the members area

- Javier

Global Virtual Opportunities
6701 Guada Coma Drive
Schertz Tx

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