Over the years, I have learned that commenting on others blogs and articles is a great way to get yourself branded more and people to pay attention to what you have to say.

Personally, I don't think people comment enough on others blogs and the benefits are so numerous compared to a few minutes of your time.

Here are some of the benefits that I see

The main one is that if you are blogger and are disappointed that you don't get comments - well the thing to do is start commenting on others - be the first to take action - don't wait on everyone else - people notice these things.

This is an excellent way to get to know the author and other people that are commenting - if you have a hard time meeting people - what better way than meet the ones that are commenting on the same blog that you just read - you have that bond already.

When you leave a nice comment on someones blog/article don't you think you stand a better chance of someone clicking on your link and check out what other great info you might have.

Don't just say great post, nice job, looking forward to your next post - those short comments are not much different than all the spam comments that you can get.  What you do is find something in the post that you liked and add to it, find that bond with the author and you.

Pay attention to others comments as this is a great source for a blog posts - you can see what people are commenting on, what they are needing help with.

Show the author respect when commenting as you never know who is reading what you wrote and this could come back and bite you later down the road.  Remember the author took their time to write the article and if you are like me and don't enjoy this part - so comment in the tone that you would want someone to respond to yours.

Don't be afraid to talk back to your audience - take the time to answer any questions and I personally install a plug-in that send everyone a thank you for commenting.

The biggest benefit is the backlinks that you are creating.  To learn more, visit my blog at


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