Are you working at branding yourself or your business?  If so, consider adding StumbleUpon to your arsenal of strategies.

Within StumbleUpon, branding yourself is the first step. It will help create a strong authority status and make you not only recognizable but a "goto" person your subscribers can feel is firmly on their side.

But branding isn't going to happen unless you have a clear target. Decide who you want to be known as on StumbleUpon; and what for. And thoroughly research your potential audience.

The real trick, however, is not to spread yourself too thin. It's better to be known for one thing you do really well than for your average performance in several areas.

12 Tips for Tailoring Your Branding to StumbleUpon

Once you've got these two areas - who you are and what on StumbleUpon - firmly fixed, it's time to implement your StumbleUpon branding strategy.

Make sure...

- Your profile reflects your brand

- You stumble each entry on your blog (but not all at once!)

- You stand out from the crowd: Speak with your own unique "voice"

- Be friends with fellow Stumblers. Review their pages and sites - but keep it honest and real. (Never do this just to "collect" friends!)

- Visit and stumble only quality sites. Don't mix business with personal, if the personal doesn't enhance the business

- Read reviews to see what people are really thinking and feeling about a site or issue

- Stumble your "competitors" favorites to find out what gaps they've left you

- Factor backlink creation into your branding strategy

- Guest post on your Stumble buddies' blogs.

- Stumble your Stumble friends' posts

- Be consistent in your Stumble life

- Stumble your guest posts!

Once you've decided on a course of action for your StumbleUpon branding strategy, do your best to stick to it. After all, consistency is the most important key to branding. (Think how disoriented you'd feel if Coca-Cola suddenly started producing bright green cans with a rocket ship as their mascot, instead of a polar bear!)

Don't forget to tie your Facebook and Twitter strategy in with StumbleUpon too... And if you're a LinkedIn user, make sure your profile and information on that site reflects the image you're portraying in your other social sites.

Remember that in branding yourself, the most important thing is to create and nurture your own strong, separate - and consistent - identity.

Now sit back and ask yourself - what do you want to be known for?

Signup for my
FREE report "How Stumbleupon Benefits Your Business" and Find out How You Can Finally Enjoy Social Networking the Way it was Meant to Be - Without Giving Up Facebook or Twitter!

Thanks for reading.

Michael Camire
Biz Ventures 5000

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