Did you know Father's Day is a day set aside to honor fathers and celebrate fatherhood, parental bonds, and the influence that fathers have on our society.

Father's Day is celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of June in 55 countries and on other days elsewhere.

I called my dad and wished him a happy Fathers' Days.
What did you do?

Many years ago I started a tradition to write my father a letter for Father's Day.

I remember the very first one that I wrote. I thanked him for being my dad and told him how much I appreciated all that he had done for me. I went onto tell him that the only thing I can ever remember asking for and  never getting from him was a horse.

I am still waiting for that horse.

Do you think maybe I really didn't need a horse?

Now I am sure there are many things that I asked him for that I never got. But the only one I can can remember is that horse.   Isn't that a hoot??

Now I tell my husband that I want a horse...... I don't think he is listening either cause I still don't have a horse.

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