These days, it is a huge advantage to use solar power. Not only is it more environmentally sound, but in the long run it also works out to be less expensive than traditional sources of power. Switching to solar power and solar heating does require some research however and of course there are pros and cons to make the big switch.

First, there are two different types of solar power. One produces heat and one produces electricity. Heating fluids or air requires the principles of solar thermal energy, while photovoltaic principles create electricity. Photovoltaic panels consist of the natural element of silicon. When exposed to sunlight, it becomes electrically charged, providing you with power. The panels are positioned differently depending on your location. For those in the northern hemisphere the panels will be facing south, and those in the southern hemisphere face north. Of course there is a scientific formula for finding the exact positioning to optimize the exposure. It is important to consider that the sun's radiation changes throughout the day and year. In order to make accurate calculations for your panels, the sun's movement plays a big part.

Making the big switch to solar power is a big decision, affecting not only your lifestyle but your wallet as well. There are both pros and cons to moving to solar power, which could make or break your decision. The main advantage of solar power is its accessibility. Removing yourself from the power grid means that you have access to power no matter where you are. Once they are installed, solar panels begin returning on the initial investment. Eliminating electrical bills is a huge pro for savings. And of course, with solar panels being so efficient and beneficial, a number of federal governments offer incentives for those making the change. In addition, the value of a home or business is immediately increased.

As amazing as solar panels are, there are a few drawbacks and the biggest one is the initial expense. It will require a hefty initial investment to reap the benefits of solar energy. Some believe that widespread residential use is not realistic because of the enormous expense. However, there is a solution to this and that is to go down the DIY route and to make and install solar panels yourself, this will save you thousands of dollars.

Geography and positioning are also sometimes a hindrance. Due to the fact that the panels depend on the strength and length of exposure; both geography and positioning plays an important part in their effectiveness. Heavy tree cover and overcast conditions hinder their effectiveness as well as regions that receive less daylight.

Before you make the decision to invest in solar panels, there are some serious elements that must be considered. In order to get the most out of your solar panels you must consider your location and your commitment to the environment and saving money in the long run.

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