Acne lesions could often be painful and sometimes scar the face too. These lesions cannot be treated by most of the acne treating procedures. Acne Treatment Surgery for such acne lesions with red scars uses laser beams. Laser means are usually highly focused and their intensity could be adapted to the severity of the acne that is being treated.

Acne treatment Surgery though laser could be expensive costing as much as two hundred dollars per session. Multiple sessions are always required to clean the skin completely. Although acne treatment surgery doesn"��t cure acne itself, it treats the effects of acne very well. Often severe acne destroys the skin with scars and uneven pigmentation that could be the cause of much worry and embarrassment in some cases. The acne treatment surgery using laser also helps avoid painful procedures like sandpapering the skin or abrasion.

Laser beams can cut the skin tissue, transfer heat and as a result burn the tissue and can seal the tissue as well to avoid bleeding. Therefore laser is a safe way of curing acne effects because it doesn"��t cause bleeding and the new skin formed has a better texture. Collagen is also formed in the new skin avoiding wrinkles. One of the main causes of acne, which is excessive oil on the skin, is also eliminated as acne treatment surgery through laser beams reduces the secretion of sebaceous oil.

Acne treatment surgery could be ablative, which does complete resurfacing by burning out and cleaning the top layer of the skin. It could also be non-ablative where affected skin is exfoliated or blasted out and is very quick without side effects like scars and doesn"��t require after care.

Laser also fills out certain scars inside out. The brown and red spots on the skin caused by acne are treated in the same way as lesions which are pigmented or vascular. Acne treatment surgery is hence a flexible procedure that can be applied to many effects of acne and are mostly good for skin and pain free. A few days of care after the treatment is all that is needed.

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