LinkShare Network - the Web's premiere affiliate-marketing network! Hundreds of thousands of sites just like yours are already participating in mutually beneficial, revenue-producing partnerships with LinkShare advertisers.

Main steps to start earning money

1. Select the Programs tab from the top of the Publisher Dashboard. Click on a category to find advertiser programs that interest you. Apply for any and all programs that you would like to join. Advertisers will notify you of approval via Email.

2. Once you are approved to partner with an advertiser, log in to your account again. Click on the advertiser name in the Links section. Select the type of link you would like to place on your Web site. And copy and paste the code directly into your site. You're ready to start earning commissions!

3. Once advertiser links are placed in your Web site, log in to the Publisher Dashboard and select the Reports tab to see how your links are performing. Please note that account activity is updated once daily.
Just have looked and tell me what do you think about this network


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