
This is for folks that use Twitter, I come across new widget that just come out today and have been quietly testing it,

Seems pretty cool so-far.

This is how it works first you get the widget code from the site and make it the size and colour you want for your sites or blogs. then it will give you a code to put on your blog or sites. that's it.

NOW FOR THE GOOD BIT,  Now every time you do Tweets on Twitter your tweets are going to many sites all members will be seeing your tweets with links to your sites or what ever links you want in your tweets

Specially good if your doing your Twitter Tweets on autopilot that way once your put widget code on your sites you can just set it up an autopilot. and forget and getting traffic to your site with no more work.

The new widget site is called Tweet Traffic Rush and it has many differant sizes and colours so will be good for most blogs. Not to mention all the extra traffic and exsposure to your site you will get without to much work.

The other good thing in your account at Tweet Traffic Rush it has all your tweet stats, like Total Tweets Displayed, Traffic Credits, YourTweets and some other stuff.

So if your looking for another soarce of traffic this might be something that you could test and see if you like it.

Here is the link here Tweet Traffic Rush

Good Luck


Tweet Traffic Rush!


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