I thought I would write on a Subject that many do not think about.
 There are tons of social networking sites out there. On the business social networking sites like Apsense.

You really want to brand yourself not your opportunity. It's all about know, like and trust. It is Not like being a used car salesman or a Watch Salesman.

I have coached many through the years and it just does not sink in. There is ways to blast your ads out and yes they are very effective like list builders classifieds and building a mailing list. Also Mailing lists are a great way to market on the Internet and build a relationship. Really you need to train your list and not just blast them with the latest and greatest program out there. Marketing is about building relationships. Any way I found a Pic that shows you what you do not want to appear to be on a Social networking site.  Feel free to use for your profile if you want to be one of the 95% of the marketers on the Internet that are not making money on the internet.

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