Don't Quit

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will
When the road you're trudging, seems all uphill
When funds are low, and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but have to sigh
When care is pressing you down a bit
Rest if you must, but don't quit
Life is queer with it's twists and turns
As everyone of us sometimes learns
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out
Don't give up though the pace seems slow
You may succeed with another blow
Success tint of the clouds of doubt
And you can never tell how close you are
It may be near when it seems so far
So stick to the fight when yore hardest hit
It's when things seem worse, that you must not quit.

My mother cut this from a newpaper many many years ago and gave it to me. If things are not going well or I'm feeling low I read it.

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Dads Old Song Words

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